7 tips for organizing a final year trip

Are you reaching the end of your career? Soon you will put an end to so many years of study and we must celebrate it!

One of the greatest rewards for all the effort that goes into studying a university degree is, without a doubt, the end of career trip. An unforgettable moment that you will share with your classmates, putting the finishing touch to a unique stage, your university stage.

Advice for organizing an end-of-degree trip

Organizing the trip is not an easy task: choosing the destination, the dates, the budget... there are many of you and you have to agree.

As experts on this problem, we have compiled our experience in 5+2 tips (initially there were 5, but we updated this post on 10/07/2018 with 2 more that we consider useful) to help you. Organize a perfect final year trip.

1. When to start? The sooner the better 😉

Yes, in that it is the same as in the exams. And although it is very obvious, many times it is not done. begin to Organizing your final trip as far in advance as possible has great benefits.

A post shared by The Fun Plan (@thefunplan) on May 24, 2017 at 1:09 PDT

You have more time to contrast options. This is an advantage, without a doubt, but at this point we have to warn you of one thing: do not fall asleep comparing or delay confirmation when you like a bread! Every season it happens to us a lot of times that we give you a price and you take a while to confirm it and the price at that time has already gone up!

Parties. If you organize yourself in time, you will be able to organize more parties and thus finance your trip. And not only the holidays, but also all the options to finance your trip that you have available.

Tip: at the latest, organize a first meeting at the beginning of the last year in which sharing the different options and the party program is one of the keys so that as many people as possible can attend.

2. Create an Organizing Committee

Usually Organizing a final year trip is a long process that generates conflicts. We have seen them many times! What if the dates, what if the destination, what if the budget... For all that (and more) it is very important create an organizing committee from the beginning who is in charge of coordinating the entire process.

What are the most common tasks of the Organizing Committee?

  • Organize the meetings. You have to select the day and time, give the floor to all attendees, collect the wishes of the entire group, organize the votes... The most organized groups even keep minutes of all the meetings they organize.
  • Collect and share information. The members of the Committee are in charge of collecting all the information related to the trip and sharing it with the rest (in point 5 we give you some instructions on how to do it)
  • You manage the money. Since it is normal for you to do some things to help you finance the trip, you will have to manage the group's money. The figure of the treasurer in the CO is essential and that an account is not opened in the Cayman Islands!

Tip: create an Organizing Committee from the beginning. Depending on the size of the group it may vary. One person for small groups (less than 15 people); 2 or 3 for medium groups (between 15 and 40 people) and 3 to 5 for groups greater than 40 people.

3. Set a budget

How much did we spend on our trip? This is one of the points of greatest debate within the group. Since not everyone has the same economic capacity, usually The price factor is the one that most affects the organization of the trip.

For this reason, it is the task that the Organizing Committee has to tackle the quickest in the first meetings: knowing the different sensitivities that exist in the group in relation to the budget for the trip.

In our experience, in many groups there are large disparities in relation to what they are willing to pay for the trip. Although everyone thinks It's the only time in my life that I'm going to take a trip like this. which is true! Unfortunately for many people, wanting is not power.


(1) state clearly and openly what each person's budget is for the trip

(2) if there is a great disparity in the budgets of each one, the Organizing Committee must be open to proposing 2 types of trips: one for the highest budget and another for the lowest

4. Choose the destination

It's time to choose where we go! This part is already more beautiful but no less complex, because the world is very big! You can guess it by seeing our post about the 7 best destinations for a final year trip and on our website with all the university travel offers.

When selecting the destination for your trip, we recommend that among all the group's proposals you choose the 3 destinations More voted. Because? Because it makes the work of information and budgets much easier and focuses the entire group on a small group of options. We see daily that it works!

Advice: reduce the destinations and proposals to be voted on to 3 to avoid eternalizing the debates and thus focus the proposals

5. Choose the travel date

The date of the trip is very important, since depending on when you travel, prices can vary greatly. In addition, there is a direct relationship between the date on which you make the trip and its destination.

Examples: if you want to take an end-of-degree trip to Malta, we recommend doing so starting in March, since you cannot enjoy the good weather before and that is an important factor for this destination. On the other hand, to take an end-of-year trip through Central Europe, the date is not so important in relation to the weather in this case. In January and February it is colder, but it also gives a very cool touch to the trip.

Advice: as in most cases each group depends a lot on the dates of the university, we recommend that you get advice so that they can recommend the best possible destinations for the dates you have available.

6. How to share information among the group

At this point we are not going to reveal to anyone what a whatsapp group. It is the best communication tool today, in which you can keep the entire group informed in real time.

Other tools that may be useful to you are Doodle when voting to decide destinations and travel dates or OneDrive or Dropbox to share larger files in the cloud.

Very simple advice: the WhatsApp group is a must

7. Finance the trip

It is very important that you structure the accounts and financing of the trip very well. This section includes both the options you have to make the trip cheaper. raising money (t-shirts, raffles and giveaways, organizing parties...) such as organizing the accounts to pay for the reservation and making a list of attendees and payments.

Tip: take a look at our post with ideas on how finance a final year trip, or contact our friends at apreciodestudiante, you will have a discount with the code THE FUNEST4

We hope that these tips help you a little with the organization of your trip. On our website you can find a large number of offers for end-of-year trips. And, above all, if you want more information do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to meet you and help you organize the most anticipated event of the university stage!

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